Void bastards art
Void bastards art

void bastards art

This feeling of being about to laugh despite the macabre is present throughout the campaign. Void Bastards presents like it should be horror with deformed ‘citizens’ roaming the halls - and it does feel like that sometimes - but barks from the enemies range from ‘ Not you again!’ to ‘ Can I speak to the manager?’ make the interactions patently absurd. Also, none of the ships have breathable air, so the player is on an oxygen limit that can only be extended by finding a recharger on the ship they’re scavenging.


Each ship has set layouts of rooms (FTL rooms, generator rooms, etc.), but the loot and the enemies are all randomized. Once a ship is boarded, Bastards goes into first-person perspective and the player, initially equipped with a pistol/shotgun, must explore. It’s not required to stop and explore each ship on the map, but a move costs fuel and food, so there’s only so far a player can go before needing to dock with a vessel and resupplying. Once rehydrated and pressed into service, they will travel across a 2D star map dotted with derelict ships, going from one to the next in search of items that will build required systems, upgrades, ammo, food and fuel. For example, the reasons given for incarceration - things like driving in an official lane without permission, or shoplifting – hardly feel like reasons for being reduced to a cube and kept on a penal craft. The tone is light, but takes a darkly ironic view of prisons, bureaucracy and corporations.

void bastards art

The player is a ‘rehydrated’ convict, awakened by an AI that requires their assistance to get across the nebula as all the ‘citizens’ in this part of space have been contaminated and are now murder-focused. The story is presented in comic book panel format, and even its 3D sections look like a heavily-lined Moebius drawing come to life. The press kit mentions members of the team have affiliations with Bioshock and System Shock 2, and I can see the influence in this cartoon-styled FPS via elements of emergent gameplay and a dystopian setting. Void Bastards is the debut from development team Blue Manchu. WTF Those Markets are cartoonishly gross.

Void bastards art